De anul trecut incepand ne bate gandul -rau de tot- sa ne readunam. N-am reusit la 10 ani de la absolvire, dar -la indicatia doamnei profesoare Hanusz- precis reusim la 11 ani.
Ultimele realizari in domeniu sunt ca:
- AM CAZUT DE ACORD (Zsuzanna, Ionut Iclanzan, Ghita Mates, Simona si subsamnata) CUM SA FACEM
- AM VORBIT IN SFARSIT CU FOSTUL DOMN DIRIGINTE si data de (Duminica) 5 SEPTEMBRIE a.c. e in regula si pentru dumnealui
- am dat in sfarsit de Simona, care e asa de draguta si ia legatura cu cei cu care eu n-am putut/ n-am apucat/ n-am reusit, etc. inclusiv cei de pe sate.
- am reusit sa reiau legatura cu Monica Radu, pe care am instiintat-o in sfarsit de "adunare"
Programul arata cam asa:
- fostii colegi si domnul diriginte ne adunam (cel tarziu) la ora 13 la liceu pentru ora de dirigentie. Care are placere poate veni mai devreme, eu am sa fiu acolo foarte din timp (de pe la 9 cred)) ca sa... ma bag si io in seama
- la ora 15 vin domnii profesori si servim cu totii PIZZA (din ceia buna de-ti lingi degetele)
- pe la ora 17, cei dintre noi care mai au ragaz/placerea de a mai sta de vorba ne ducem "la Tavi" sa mai stam la inca alte pahare de vorba. Se serveste bufet suedez (fiecare baga ce-i place)
vineri, 30 aprilie 2010
joi, 29 aprilie 2010
Povestea zaharului cu vanilie
Scriu aici pentru cei carora le pasa de sanatatea proprie, gatesc cu drag si vor sa imbunatateasca gustul mancarii fara arome artificiale si fara prea mare efort. Va dau o veste buna: vanilia adevarata exista (hihihih) si nu este dificil de folosit.
De cand ma stiu, mama folosea acasa la prajituri zahar "vanilat", "vaniliat" "vanilinat" samd. Auzisem, parca in vis, de batoane de vanilie, asa cum auzisem de batoane de scortisoara, dar de cel de vanilie habar n-aveam cum arata.
Intr-o buna zi, am ajuns sa pun mana, sa gust, sa pipai un astfel de baton. Seamana cu o pastaie de fasole, plata, lunguiata, maronie si usor umeda sau uleioasa. In interior are un fel de samanta marunta, marunta.
Acum cu toata dorinta mea de a face ceva "sanatos" (adica fara chimicale) de mancare, zaharul cu vanilina (cred ca asa se numeste aroma artificiala de vanilie) n-am reusit sa-l inlocuiesc cu nimic. Pai cu pastaia/batonul/"uateva" de vanilie nu puteam sa fac decat o budinca sau un gris pentru ca "batonul se despica si se fierbe in lapte"... Complicat. Complicat. Dureaza prea mult, eu nu mi-s cu duhul rabdarii. In plus, un baton de vanilie ajungea pentru o jumatate de kilogram de lapte. Cam scump.
De cand ma stiu, mama folosea acasa la prajituri zahar "vanilat", "vaniliat" "vanilinat" samd. Auzisem, parca in vis, de batoane de vanilie, asa cum auzisem de batoane de scortisoara, dar de cel de vanilie habar n-aveam cum arata.
Intr-o buna zi, am ajuns sa pun mana, sa gust, sa pipai un astfel de baton. Seamana cu o pastaie de fasole, plata, lunguiata, maronie si usor umeda sau uleioasa. In interior are un fel de samanta marunta, marunta.
Acum cu toata dorinta mea de a face ceva "sanatos" (adica fara chimicale) de mancare, zaharul cu vanilina (cred ca asa se numeste aroma artificiala de vanilie) n-am reusit sa-l inlocuiesc cu nimic. Pai cu pastaia/batonul/"uateva" de vanilie nu puteam sa fac decat o budinca sau un gris pentru ca "batonul se despica si se fierbe in lapte"... Complicat. Complicat. Dureaza prea mult, eu nu mi-s cu duhul rabdarii. In plus, un baton de vanilie ajungea pentru o jumatate de kilogram de lapte. Cam scump.
alimentatie sanatoasa,
duminică, 25 aprilie 2010
Cum invatam teoria pentru scoala de soferi
Cam asa

Si daca asa stau treburile, nu prea imi fac sperante sa trec examenul prea curand... Bine ca macar la orele de conducere nu scartaie Moses Jr. ca vrea la mami in "batze". Adica bine ca nu-l iau cu mine la orele de conducere. Da' de fapt cred ca s-ar descurca mai bine ca mami...
Baby Moses Jr.,
joi, 22 aprilie 2010
Is there life after mom's death?
Arround one year ago, the sister of a very good friend of ours, died.
She was 32 years old (or something like that) and she left behind her husband and 2 sons (one 3 years old and the other one 7 month old).
The story is very short: she gave birth to the second child with cezarian -because of health reasons- and after the operation they could not stabilize her blood pressure, but otherwise everything was OK. When the child was 3 month old, she felt sick a little, but not big deal. Afterwards, she started vomiting, so they decited to call ambulance. As it came, the situation was already critic. Arriving at the hospital, she fell in coma: brain stroke. And she remained in (this) coma for almost 4 month long, then she died...
Tragic, painful, hopeless, however you can call this situation, it is not enaugh... I was there, I saw her, I saw them. Words are useless...
Yesterday, I saw her husband and the youngest boy again. The kid has grown, like nothing bad in this world has happened: he is handsome and friendly... The husband has in between a lot of gray hairs and he is a bit confused... He told me that in between he found another girlfriend... and I had the feeling that he was trying to justify this to me... "she likes the children and she likes me. Besides, I remained faithful to the skincolour: my girlfriend comes from Kenya" (the late wife was from Cameron)
I stood without a whisper, bloked (what the hell is this guy talking? the wife recently...). Then (what the hell did you expect, Elena, you wanted him better to go mad on the thomb of his late wife?) I said "you know what, Rolf, you are biggest fighter and the biggest winner I saw in my life". I mean it.
She was 32 years old (or something like that) and she left behind her husband and 2 sons (one 3 years old and the other one 7 month old).
The story is very short: she gave birth to the second child with cezarian -because of health reasons- and after the operation they could not stabilize her blood pressure, but otherwise everything was OK. When the child was 3 month old, she felt sick a little, but not big deal. Afterwards, she started vomiting, so they decited to call ambulance. As it came, the situation was already critic. Arriving at the hospital, she fell in coma: brain stroke. And she remained in (this) coma for almost 4 month long, then she died...
Tragic, painful, hopeless, however you can call this situation, it is not enaugh... I was there, I saw her, I saw them. Words are useless...
Yesterday, I saw her husband and the youngest boy again. The kid has grown, like nothing bad in this world has happened: he is handsome and friendly... The husband has in between a lot of gray hairs and he is a bit confused... He told me that in between he found another girlfriend... and I had the feeling that he was trying to justify this to me... "she likes the children and she likes me. Besides, I remained faithful to the skincolour: my girlfriend comes from Kenya" (the late wife was from Cameron)
I stood without a whisper, bloked (what the hell is this guy talking? the wife recently...). Then (what the hell did you expect, Elena, you wanted him better to go mad on the thomb of his late wife?) I said "you know what, Rolf, you are biggest fighter and the biggest winner I saw in my life". I mean it.
marți, 20 aprilie 2010
Fata cu mana arsa
Caldura, zgomot, aglomeratie. Autobuzul intarzie 10 minute. Vine in sfarsit. Ma urc. Langa mine o fata cu trasaturi fine asculta muzica de la un mp3-player. Era tunsa scurt si purta ochelari mari de soare. Dupa vreo 4 statii, da sa coboare. Mana dreapta prinde bara din fata mea. Dosul mainii era plin de cicatricile arsurilor cu scrum de tiagara...
Nu stiu cine a inventat moda asta, sau ce depresii duc la astfel de comportament. Dar stiu ca n-am sa pot intelege asta niciodata. Si nici n-am sa pot face ceva impotriva
Nu stiu cine a inventat moda asta, sau ce depresii duc la astfel de comportament. Dar stiu ca n-am sa pot intelege asta niciodata. Si nici n-am sa pot face ceva impotriva
luni, 19 aprilie 2010
Printre zecile de tarabe care imbiau "care-mai-decare" cu dulciuri si cadouri, vreo 5-6 ponei curati si cuminti-cu copilasi calare- se invarteau in cerc intr-un cort cu nisip pe jos. In fruntea lor, un nene cu un bici; nu-l folosea, il taraia numai... 5 minute la rand. Apoi pauza, alti copii, un nene strange banii si alte 5 minute. Ce bine ca se face si noapte, or apuca si ei sa-si traga sufletul. "Saracii ponei" aud in spate "ce viata mizera"...
Dimineata in drum spre serviciu, alergam innebuniti dupa tramvai, dupa tren, dupa autobuz. O zi lumina, poate si mai mult, cladim, stricam, vindecam, calculam, imbunatatim, "mai bine", "mai mult", "mai repede". Nu exista nici un bici concret ce ne fugare, exista "criza", "grija de maine", "visez la un job mai bun", "vreau o masina", "concurenta", "trebuie sa ramanem competitivi", "nu mai avem asa vanzari bune"... Ce bine ca se mai face si noapte, om apuca sa ne tragem sufletul, ori ne facem planuri o noapte intreaga... Sau fugim nebuni de la un part-time job la altul... In spatele acestul haos, nici o voce nu spune "ce viata mizera", suntem prea ocupati si groaza cu gandul la bici ne face sa ne invartim in acelasi cerc, in fiecare zi, fara ragaz...
Dimineata in drum spre serviciu, alergam innebuniti dupa tramvai, dupa tren, dupa autobuz. O zi lumina, poate si mai mult, cladim, stricam, vindecam, calculam, imbunatatim, "mai bine", "mai mult", "mai repede". Nu exista nici un bici concret ce ne fugare, exista "criza", "grija de maine", "visez la un job mai bun", "vreau o masina", "concurenta", "trebuie sa ramanem competitivi", "nu mai avem asa vanzari bune"... Ce bine ca se mai face si noapte, om apuca sa ne tragem sufletul, ori ne facem planuri o noapte intreaga... Sau fugim nebuni de la un part-time job la altul... In spatele acestul haos, nici o voce nu spune "ce viata mizera", suntem prea ocupati si groaza cu gandul la bici ne face sa ne invartim in acelasi cerc, in fiecare zi, fara ragaz...
vineri, 16 aprilie 2010
Meserii simple dar de viitor
Sper sa va placa; e vorba de posibilitatea de a te intretine sau de a pune pe picioare o mica afacere, fara sa trebuiasca sa cheltuiesti banii sau sa pierzi timp prea mult cu studii indelungate (pentru cei care nu ma cunosc: eu nu spun nimanui sa faca sau nu facultate, pentru ca treaba e cu doua taisuri...). Printre meseriile de viitor se numara si cea de tehnician de unghii false, ceea ce ma bucura foarte mult.
Dati click pe titlu ca sa cititi articolul in
Lectura placuta!
Dati click pe titlu ca sa cititi articolul in
Lectura placuta!
"Cinsteste pe tatal tau si pe mama ta"
Un nou articol din, sper sa va placa.
(click pe titlul de mai sus si ajungeti la articol)
Un sfarsit de saptamana placut!
Sursa foto: http:://
joi, 15 aprilie 2010
Ceva drag de pe net adunat:
"Daca vreti sa va omorati intre voi, mergeti afara. De-abia am terminat de facut curat"
2. Mama m-a invatat ce e RELIGIA
"Roaga-te sa iasa pata aia din covor"
3. Mama m-a invatat ce e LOGICA
"Pentru ca asa am zis eu,de-aia"
"Daca vreti sa va omorati intre voi, mergeti afara. De-abia am terminat de facut curat"
2. Mama m-a invatat ce e RELIGIA
"Roaga-te sa iasa pata aia din covor"
3. Mama m-a invatat ce e LOGICA
"Pentru ca asa am zis eu,de-aia"
alimentatie sanatoasa,
Vorbe de duh
vineri, 9 aprilie 2010
Aseara am cantat cu Bebe Moses ciuleandra. Si ridica piciorusele pe rand, ca sa danseze "cum trebe".
(Prima data cand am auzit cuvantul Ciuleandra, era vorba de un film romanesc -cu acelasi titlu cred. La inceput, doi tineri dansau in crang: ea desculta, cu fusta lunga, alba de in si parul despletit, iar el cu cizme pana la genunchi... Niste tarani cu haine slinoase dansau ciuleandra in noroi langa transee. Un dommn tanar, cu nevasta frumoasa -cu fire de "lamé" in breton- s-a sinucis cu un revolver... N-am inteles niciodata de ce m-au fascinat scenele astea)
Vi se face si voua dor de casa cand ascultati?
(Prima data cand am auzit cuvantul Ciuleandra, era vorba de un film romanesc -cu acelasi titlu cred. La inceput, doi tineri dansau in crang: ea desculta, cu fusta lunga, alba de in si parul despletit, iar el cu cizme pana la genunchi... Niste tarani cu haine slinoase dansau ciuleandra in noroi langa transee. Un dommn tanar, cu nevasta frumoasa -cu fire de "lamé" in breton- s-a sinucis cu un revolver... N-am inteles niciodata de ce m-au fascinat scenele astea)
Vi se face si voua dor de casa cand ascultati?
Baby Moses Jr.,
I've got this in the morning, from Daniel. Hope you like it. The original picture is here:
joi, 8 aprilie 2010
Copii cu mame de imprumut
Imi aduce aminte de mama cand lucra la scoala speciala cu fete handicapate, parasite partial sau definitiv de parinti.
Dati click pe titlu ca va duce la articol.
Dati click pe titlu ca va duce la articol.
scoala romaneasca,
Vorbe de duh
Iubire, vezi ca azi ajung tirziu acasa: LA 1.00 AM TELECONFERINTA, LA 2.00 NASC, LA 3.00 AM MITING
Am gasit ceva pe net, sper sa va placa. Dati click pe titlu ca va duce la articol.
marți, 6 aprilie 2010
Prayer of the day
Thank you God, for having
such a beautiful life:
I eat three times a day,
including banana and real-vanilla ice
I even throuw away food sometimes.
Oh, I almost forgott: sometimes I keep diets
Cause I became soooo fat
(Yes, other people may not have aything to eat
but, I am not the cause ot that)
I put on beautiful shoes
(made by poor children-hands in Bangladesh)
and beautiful skirts (painted in India,
by people who stand in that water-chemical-whatever
all day long)
dear God, they are so cheap
but still I really love sales!
Thank you God for my cat: nowadays it eats meat daily.
Yes, since I have the better job.
And I also can afford hand-cream with milk and honey extract.
(Other children may not have milk?
So what is their government doing?
Why are their parents not going to work?)
My dear God, something small at the end
Do you also think the war in Afganistan
Really helps our life as christians economy?
Yes, thank you, I also presummed.
Ok, then, do something that the war takes long
Thank you!
such a beautiful life:
I eat three times a day,
including banana and real-vanilla ice
I even throuw away food sometimes.
Oh, I almost forgott: sometimes I keep diets
Cause I became soooo fat
(Yes, other people may not have aything to eat
but, I am not the cause ot that)
I put on beautiful shoes
(made by poor children-hands in Bangladesh)
and beautiful skirts (painted in India,
by people who stand in that water-chemical-whatever
all day long)
dear God, they are so cheap
but still I really love sales!
Thank you God for my cat: nowadays it eats meat daily.
Yes, since I have the better job.
And I also can afford hand-cream with milk and honey extract.
(Other children may not have milk?
So what is their government doing?
Why are their parents not going to work?)
My dear God, something small at the end
Do you also think the war in Afganistan
Really helps our
Yes, thank you, I also presummed.
Ok, then, do something that the war takes long
Thank you!
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